Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Letter to Eris about chaos and an upcoming class

In the wandering epistle that follows I attempt to disagree but mostly with circular logic and spurious reasoning relying on a vast volume of words when the argument lacks gravity, I apologize in advance and forewarn you lamentable reader ,the following pages may have no real or objective meaning.
in a nutshell everything is chaos, so there you are.

I'm arriving at a mental state somewhere between confusion and perplexity, thank you Eris. :p
I suspect Chaos far outstrips time, as there are perhaps some places where time is not,apparent,perhaps Bose Einstein condensates near absolute zero, or objects at the verge of light speed may travel faster or slower foreword or back in time yet chaos seems ubiquitous unflagging,and available at all scales and speeds.
In between every whole number lies an infinity of divisions,This may hint at the nature of infinite potential possibilities,the near by many worlds, sandwiched unseen between whole moments in the time line.
between moments reality is a recursive holographic and self referential,{as above so below}
change blindness keeps us from seeing the various alternate or superpositions of 4d objects, such as the many arm Kali we see only a still frame of a vast 4d system. wherever order/perception/consciousness is not defining the state of things by default chaos is either there or coming fast, or rather, surfing the wave of entropic and an-entropic quantum states.
and furthermore rather than perceiving separate states of being and non-being order and disorder as absolutes and rigidly separate, as we tend to be mis taught to do by logic , we are beginning to discover that all 4th dimensional objects or beings that move through time/space are never in a single state still and unmoving but always in flux in flow into states that are an amalgam of the constituents .
Mother chaos{Tiamaat/Erreshkagal} is the very prime material from which all the various positions of order/disorder being/non-being are erected, what is perceived as space or time is a standing wave form within shifting states of potentiality and being , and at that level where all things are one, via entanglement threaded through the eye of the one dimensional singularity, there is perhaps nowhere she is not at all times present,thus there is more Chaos than time, Q.E.D Eris would always have "time for chaos" the bit about the fun kind was clearly frivolous as I know really there is no other.
Forgive me. I have been sleep depriving as part of an exorcise and it always leaves me abit gabby.
I am become unnecessarily verbose when one began to employ logic in a casual conversation, as a means of arriving at a succinct point I felt the cuttlefish urge to obfuscate with bold patterns and flashy displays, sigh
I mentioned the edge of the circle class because, you mentioned enjoying the last one, and for the selfish reason that Having Red haired Eris at the chaos magic intro on May twenty-third 1O/5/23 was just so wonderfully mind blowing and perfectly Discordian ,Like having Bob Wilson smile on me from his nirvana of slack, this was the art leaving the frame, the story has leaping from the page , and out of the Principia Discordia no less{sure brave new world or nineteen eighty four ,ok but this?
I was giddy{inside} and elated again with the wonderful absurdity of life, i went out in the street and basked in the rain , and felt wonderfully recharged for it, the amount of syncronicity has increased, all things that led to a wonderful and memorable first chaos magic class for my self, and rather than planning I was wishing you there, for that thrilling charge, Thank you Eris For befriending me on Face-book, and making my day, see you around the singularity. Hail you! All Hail Discordia!! 23 skidoo
Holomos out.
this has turned into a rather long winded ramble, more fit for one of my blogs,I hope it finds you in good cheer,

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